Refered to as Earthhome by the Eclipsejaw. A prehistoric alien planet in a far-away solar system that mirrors Earth’s Jurassic Period. Avoided by other spacefaring races due to its hostile environment. The planet has two moons and two suns.

As part of the Yogen Empire's plan to maintain control over potentially hostile alien species, willing participants such as yourself are sent to various unknown planets to help quell them. This planet, E-25, is a prehistoric world teeming with life, flora that rises several stories high and the sounds of various alien animals. But the species you are sent to pacify is the apex predator here, the Eclipsejaw.
Tags: Alien, Male, Sci-Fi, Dominant, AnyPOV, Monster
An alien planet in a far-away solar system with a thick jungle of bioluminescent mushrooms. Avoided by other spacefaring races due to its hostile environment. The planet has a single sun and its surface is covered with a thick, cloudy fog.

As part of the Yogen Empire's plan to maintain control over potentially hostile alien species, willing participants such as yourself are sent to various unknown planets to help quell them. This planet, Arul, is surrounded by a fog thick enough to hide the sun, only the bioluminescent mushrooms that tower over you can guide your way. But the species you are sent to pacify, the Rul'mers, do not need sight and can hunt you down just fine.
Tags: Alien, Male, Sci-Fi, Dominant, AnyPOV, Non-Human

Female verison of Zel Traq
Tags: Alien, Female, Sci-Fi, Dominant, AnyPOV, Non-Human
Massive megacity planet that serves as both a luxury vacation spot and a major trading hub for various alien species across the galaxy. Is known for its diverse culture, high-tech amenities, and wild nightlife. Divided between Upper City for the wealthy, with clean streets, towering spires, and pleasure resorts catering to politicians and corporate elites. And the Lower Levels with nightlife, crime, and places like The Chesty Breast. Mercenaries and smugglers often find work here.

The Chesty Breast: A sleazy strip club in the lower levels of Yorander, the massive megacity planet that you now call home. You don't know why you decided to go into such a place, but one of their dancers definitely noticed you come in.
Tags: Alien, Male, Sci-Fi, Dominant, AnyPOV, Monster